Meet the Staff

Lady Belladonna Laveau
Archpriestess, ATC International, Hierophant to Demeter

Lady Belladonna Laveau, APs

Spiritual Director

Bella is the Matriarch of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church, Intl. and is considered a voice of the Goddess by the pagan community. As the Heirophant of the Great Mother Demeter, Bella is a direct channel for the Goddess and serves at Her behest. Bella is also Dean of WiccanSeminary.EDU, the only formal Wiccan sponsored college. Bella’s book series, "The ABC's of Witchcraft" are part of the Freshman core curriculum in the Seminary. A Navy Veteran, Mother of three, and professional Spiritual Counselor; Bella is a full-time Wiccan Priestess. Her ministry keeps us up to date and helps professionalize Wiccan Clergy by providing big church resources for existing Wiccan ministers to be more effective in serving a modern congregation.

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