View Temples
A group of statues standing on top of a building with a city in the background.

When the ATC started resurrecting the Mysteries in 1985, the Temples of each deity quickly formed and began to show themselves. The comradery between those who had held the same roles was strong, and they had many shared experiences.

In 2017, the Temple Priesthoods were officially created. Official roles and positions were created, and each year the new vessel who holds the deity is officially initiated into the Priesthood and into the Deity's Temple.

These temples serve the public. Each Temple has its own specific initiation rites, rituals, and garb. Temple work can be done in conjunction with a coven. Temples do not require student/teacher covenants and does not worship in any specific tradition format. Each Temple works specifically with the desire of the God/Goddess it serves.

A Bit About Shrine Visits

“The most profound and magical part of the weekend is getting to meet and speak with the Gods themselves. It is an honor to be able to worship them in physical forms. I cry after meeting each one every time.” -Brenna Grace

The Olympians featured in our mysteries will have shrines in their honor. After the Parade to the Sea, the priests and priestesses will be invoked with the Gods in their shrines. This is a sacred time for pilgrims to come and honor the god as they would have in ancient times.

Imagine getting to ask a God a direct question, getting a direct answer, being able to kneel at their feet or hug them in thanks. This is a profoundly beautiful and healing experience. You can also choose to dedicate your energy, time, and self to one or more of them for the duration of the festival or for a classic Year and a Day.

These Gods are very real, and they have very real lessons.

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