Meet the Cast

A man with a beard is wearing a hooded jacket, Castle Silverstar

Castle Silverstar
current Vessel of Hephaestus

Castle Silverstar, is a Dedicant Student of Lord Solinox Sliverstar in the WISE-ATC tradition. He has been practicing Paganism in one form or another over the last twenty years. In 2017 he was awarded the Pagans of the Year Award at an event in Michigan, where he resides. He has been with his partner for over 20 years as well.

In 2014 he started the chapter of Pagans in Need in the Lansing Michigan area. It had its humble beginnings in the basement of a church. In 2017 there were two chapters of Pagans in Need, the Lansing chapter and the one in SE Michigan. Castle, at that time, took the group and made it a separate entity from the parent organization that started it. In the summer of 2018, he met Lady Belladonna and Lord Dusty at a pagan event in Michigan called Michigan Pagan Fest. After learning about the ATC and doing his own due diligence he then applied for affiliate status with the ATC. Currently in the state of Michigan there are four chapters of Pagans in Need. There is the Lansing, SE Michigan, SW Michigan (Kalamazoo), and the NW Michigan chapter. Each year they continue to increase the amount of people that they serve so that they “may never hunger.”

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