2025 Schedule
Wednesday - Arriving at Eleusis
2 pm - Registration Opens! *you must have registered for Wednesday Evening Rituals in order to register on this day*
3 pm - Eris' Golden Apple Ritual
4 pm - Asclepius Healing Circle
5 pm - Staff and Devotee Shrine Time!
6 pm - Dinner (meal not provided)
7 pm - Fly Agaric Social
8 pm - Baubo's Giggliana
9 pm - "A Modern Rite for Pan" by Jason Mankey
Thursday - Summoning the Holy City
3 pm - Registration Opens!
4 pm -Workshops:
1. Newcomer's Orientation - Brenna Grace
2. Greek Costuming Workshop - Kara Williams
5 pm - Opening Circle
6 pm -
1. Leadership Dinner
2. Concert by Celia Ferran
8 pm - Adult Affirmation of Path (AAOP)
- Youth Rite of Passage (YROP)
9 pm - Temple of Aphrodite Ritual - Skyclad
Friday - A Day of Offerings
8 am - Morning Devotional
9 am -
Haladai Mystai - Parade to the Sea
Heireia Deuro - Visiting the Temples (the 2 hours following Haladai Mystai)
12pm - Time for Lunch
1 pm - Children Craft
2 pm - Workshops:
#1: "Leadership and Current Issues Challenging Paganism" with Belladonna LaVeau
#2: "Throwing Bones: A Beginner's Workshop" with Atalanta Moonfire
#3: "Hekate Invocation Chant Workshop" with Celia Ferran
#4: "Hearth Magick" by Emily Guenther
3 pm - Workshops:
#1: "The Minoan Influence on Greek Religion" by Jezibell Anat
#2: "Amanita Muscaria: The Witches' Magick" by David Samas
#3: "Hekate's Keys of Transformation: Unlocking Shadows" by Miss Flame
4 pm - Workshops:
#1: "Dance Workshop: 'The Well' Dance" by Kara D. Williams
#2: "Spells and How to Make Them Work" by Tish Owens
#3: "Drawing Down the Moon: The Magick and Mystery of Deity" by Jason Mankey
#4: "Finding Honey to Make Exotic Meads" by Josh Carpenter
5 pm - Workshops:
#1: "Goddess Kybele Workshop" by Ariana Serpentine
#2: "Money Chant Workshop" by Celia Ferran
#3: Spring Awakening: Hernesing the Power of Herbs and Stones for Renewal" by Mary Ellen Colfer
#4: "Growing Your Group: The World Needs You!" by Steven Guenther
#5: WSTS Circle & Quarter Testing with Kara Williams
6 pm - Dinner (meal not provided)
7 pm - Paris Fashion Show & Apollo's Talent Show
9:30-11pm - Celia Farran Concert!
Saturday - The Mysteries of Eleusis
8 am - Morning Devotionals
9 am - Lesser Mysteries I
10 am - Processing with the Priesthood
11 am - Workshops:
#1: "Past Life Regression" by Tish Owens
#2: Coming Soon!
#3: Coming Soon!
12 pm: Workshops:
#1: "Q&A Session with SPA" by Spiritual Professionals Association
#2: "The Mysteries of Eros: Movement, Stillness & Erotic Urge in the Universe" by Taylor Ellwood
#3: Coming soon!
2 pm - Lesser Mysteries II
4 pm - Recover and Prepare for Dinner
6 pm - Wedding Banquet
Menu: Hummus
Baba Ganoush
Mixed Grilled & Fesh Vegetables
Greek Meatballs
Assorted Olives
Warm Pita & Pita Chips
7 pm - The Greater Mysteries Celebration
Pan's Dance Party
Hera and Zeus' Champagne Room
Athena's Symposium
9 pm - Dionysian Revel - Jason Mankey
Poseidon's Pool Party
Hestia's Fire Circle
Stay and dance the night away after experiencing the Mysteries of Eleusis!
Sunday, our farewells..
8 am - Goat Pajama Party (Wear your onesies to breakfast at the hotel restaurant!)
10:30 am - How to Get Involved in the Mysteries with Belladonna LaVeau
11 am - Closing Circle
© Spring Mysteries Festival 2020.